Friday, 26 December 2014

Day of the Dead trailer review

Name of the film- Day of the Dead
Year released- 1985
Film genre- Horror
Your mark after viewing- 6/10

What happened in the trailer?
The trailer showed highlights from the film as well as showing a shot from inside a cinema and having target audience members react to the trailer. The voiceover helps to progress the narrative a little and establish that humans are dying out and zombies have taken over. As the trailer progresses we see a zombie sitting in the cinema eating popcorn and people start to look at him. The trailer ends after a few more highlighted with the zombie sitting alone in the cinema and contrapuntal music, “The Gonk” by The Goblins, plays which allows audience members to link it to the rest of Romero’s “Dead” series.

What positive, clever or interesting aspects do you think you could include in your own trailer? What generic features are fulfilled well?
The trailer showed highlights taken at different points from the film in order to show how the film would progress and address the narrative of the film. The narrative of the film is also established well in the trailer as the idea of zombies being experimented on to find a cure is expressed in the voiceover. The highlights are taken from different points of the film and therefore give it a wider representation as different aspects of the film are shown. The zombie in the cinema also had good makeup and could easily be distinguished as a zombie from the crowd of the people.

What aspects of the trailer did you think were unsuccessful and would put off its target audience? How is it disappointing?
The trailer also has a lot of features that are unsuccessful and off putting for a target audience. For example the entire scene of the cinema, whilst interesting, is annoying and unnecessary as it pulls away from the main highlights of the film by cutting between shots from the film and shots from the cinema. The trailer is also boring and monotonous as there is no form of collision cutting or fast paced montage, and only a slow paced montage is used throughout the trailer. The trailer also lacks body horror and action that should be engrossing the audience, but instead they focus solely on and drag out the description of the narrative of the film.

What was the trailer’s average score from the class? Why did it receive the mark it got?
The trailer got an average of 4.5/10 from the class due to the fact it was slowly paced with no collision cutting and featured an annoying voiceover. It also held back on the body horror and instead gave us connotations of comedy with the zombie in the cinema which contrasted with the film highlights that were being shown.

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