Friday 9 January 2015

Type of horror trailer we want to make

The type of trailer we are going to make is a highlights trailer because this will allow us to show off the best bits from our film to grab the audience’s attention. This type of trailer is the most common, and its content can be seen in the trailer below.

Our trailer for Priest will also focus on collision cutting as this gets across the emotion of what is happening throughout the film and will also briefly tell the audience what the plot line of the film is. The trailer will also need some jump scares to grab the audience’s attention so they remember our film, and come and see it when it comes to the cinema. An example of a jump scare in a trailer is the woman in black trailer which has a good jump scare so the audience remember the film.

Just before the jump scare there needs to be a build of suspense so the jump scare becomes scarier as no-one will be expecting it, and that is what good horror trailers are remembered for.
A good film that uses this type of trailer is Dawn of the Dead (2004) as this uses all of the good aspects of a horror trailer that we should try to feature in ours, such as good collision cutting and good use of body horror.

These generic features clearly help the trailer indicate an Action Horror film so the audience knows if our genre/sub-genre is the right film for them to watch.

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